Sunday, April 06, 2008

PETER AND THE WOLF (London Luminaire, 01/04/08)

One-man acoustic troubadours aren’t normally my bag, but Red Hunter's first ever European show was rather delightful. A slightly egotistical but engaging individual, the Texan's succinct, atmospheric balladry was a perfect fit for the intimate, reverent audience at the Luminaire, and he seemed genuinely overwhelmed by the reaction he received. The lilting Safe Travels with added maracas was a particular highlight, and his attempts to get us in a group photo to send to his parents (to prove he was a "real musician now") were amusing and endearing. I think he's the type of artist you need to catch on a good night- I've heard he can be awful on occasion- but on the evidence here, he's well worth checking out if he ever struts into your part of town.

(Photo: Bryan Bruchman (Flickr)-

1 comment:

Bryan said...

Hi, please include the link to the original photo in the credit:
