Thursday, November 27, 2008

Yeah, I know I said I wouldn't have time to update before I buggered off north, but two quick things:

i) Attention Chalky: Dengue Fever are playing the Scala on 18th June 2009!

ii) Fee Fie Foe Fum at the Cargo (involving the likes of Laura Marling and Mumford and Sons) has unsurprisingly sold out, which is bloody annoying as every time I tried to buy a ticket this morning the site kept on crashing. Only hope is to beg for a guestlist spot, I suppose. GRRRRR.

1 comment:

chalky said...

Yeah the Dengue Fever concert should be lots of fun!

Reckon it's worth trying to get on the guest list for the sell out-maybe say you write a blog etc well it's worth a try hey :-)