THE DECEMBERISTS (London Coronet, 19/11/09)
Elephant and Castle isn't a neighbourhood often associated with joy in any way, shape or form, but Colin Meloy and his merry troubadours did their damnedest to change that, at least for one night. The first half of their epic two-hour show was a complete airing of deliciously OTT rock opera The Hazards of Love without break nor banter; whilst in the hands of a lesser band this could have been alienating, their professionalism and showmanship ensured it delighted from start to finish. Combining Meloy's superlative tale-telling with 70's trad rock, the additional vocal talents of Shara Worden (My Brighest Diamond) and Becky Stark (Lavender Diamond) provided a touch of glamour as well as sublime harmonies, and the multi-percussional coda of The Rake's Song evinced a sense of fun that balanced the relative seriousness of the performance, resulting in one of the best hour's of music I've seen this year.
The traditional set that followed wasn't quite as triumphant as Hazards, but a superb setlist (16 Military Wives! Legionnaire's Lament! Yankee Bayonet!) and Colin on sparkling form ensured the second half was by no means a disappointment. What's more, they wrapped up with brilliant sea-shanty The Mariner's Revenge, complete with exhortations to the audience to “scream as if being devoured by a whale” and an inflatable version of said aquatic beast that darted round the Coronet with murderous intent in its plastic eyes- the best possible ending to by far the best Decemberists gig I've had the pleasure to see.
(Photo: John Gleeson)
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