Saturday, June 01, 2013

TITUS ANDRONICUS (Leeds Brudenell Social Club, 27/05/13)

Patrick Stickles sans beard may be a perplexing, nay, frightening notion, but fear not, his clean-shavenness has not had a Samson-esque effect on his shouting abilities. Even though this set largely centered on Titus Andronicus' so-so third album “Local Business”, it remained an absolute riot thanks to the Pogues-y vitality of the band, the fervent enthusiasm of their fans, and Stickles' constant, near-feral wildness. Plus, any gig that incorporates both “Killing In The Name Of” AND “Battle of Hampton Roads” is, by law, automatically going to be one of my shows of the year.

(Photo: Manchester Scenewipe)

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