Friday, June 04, 2010

TITUS ANDRONICUS (London CAMP Basement, 25/05/10)

FUUUUUUUCK YEEEEEEEEEEAH! Who cares if Patrick Stickles never quite achieves anything that could be truly described as “singing“, or that every song seems to descend into a Pogues-y knees-up, or that the total amount of subtlety on show is negligible at best. The fact is, this is the most goddamn enjoyable show I’ve been to Dan Deacon last year- the energy levels displayed by the audience and band unlike anything else I’ve seen this year. The sheer insanity of “Fear and Loathing…” almost killed me, and Battle Hymn of the Republic-> Titus Andronicus Forever-> Four Score And Seven pretty much finished the job. Gig of the year much?

(Photo: Chimpomatic (Flickr))

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