LOS CAMPESINOS (London Islington Assembly Hall, 15/12/12)
Los Campesinos have a lot of really hardcore fans. I should have been one of them,
but after a mediocre 2007 show, a far-too-polished debut album and some dreadfully
pretentious interviews from Gareth, I simply didn’t listen to them for half a
decade. It was only after encountering them at Latitude this year that I
realised the error of my ways – over the years, they’ve become an impressively
accomplished musical outfit, with a shedload of excellent sing-alongs and a
live vitality up there with the best. Tonight’s show made it even clearer that they
deserve a second chance- even though I didn’t know most of the tunes, I loved
almost every moment. That said, the inevitable highlights were old favourites “You!
Me! Dancing!” and “Sweet Dreams, Sweet Cheeks” - and the resulting moshpit which
I may or may not have ventured into. Great fun.
(Photo: Steve Parkinson)
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